Maintaining Your Home: Winter Edition

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Your home deserves the best, so make sure it stays in good condition by keeping it well-maintained. Here are some ways you can maintain your home this winter season.
Cover Your Air Conditioning
During the wintertime, or whenever you’re not using it, cover your central air conditioning unit or remove your window air conditioners.
Change Those Filters
To make sure you properly maintain your home and heating systems, remember to clean and change your furnace filters regularly.
Clean The Kitchen
For many people the kitchen is the center of activity and one of the most used rooms in the house. Make sure your kitchen is clean and tidy, including thoroughly cleaning your kitchen appliances such as fridges, freezers, ovens, microwaves and dishwashers. Avoid tracking in dirt and snow on your kitchen floors to maintain their condition and lifespan. Using kitchen floor mats can help with this issue.
Check The Vents
Ensure your air vents are clear and clean to maintain your heating system. A good idea to keep heat in during the winter is closing crawl space vents.
Clean The Drains
It’s always a good idea to clean your drains and gutters to avoid issues and future repairs.
Cover It Up
Summer is officially over and so it’s time to cover up anything that needs to be protected during the wintertime. This can include putting away or covering summer patio furniture, covering your barbeque and even putting covers on your vehicles.
The Driveway
If the winter weather turns to snow and ice, make sure you maintain your driveway for safety. Remember to shovel the snow away and salt the pavement.
Check The Basement
With winter storms and heavy rainfall, it’s important to check on your basement and other lower levels of your home to see if you can prepare for possible flooding. Options to try and prevent this include keeping your gutters and storm drains clean, repairing cracks in windows and the foundation, testing your floor drains and installing a sump pump.
Get Prepared
Depending on the climate, winter weather can be unpredictable. Make sure you and your family are prepared by having an emergency kit ready for any storms or other emergencies. Emergency kits usually have a first aid kit and supplies, flashlights and batteries, candles and matches, and some extra non-perishable food and water.
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